STUDY Middle Market Growth Corporates Working Capital Index
Learn how Growth Corporates (also known as middle market companies) tap into working capital solutions to survive, thrive, and scale. Our 2023-2024 survey includes insights from more than 850 CFOs and treasurers from across the globe.
Dive in deeper with our dynamic report ➔
- Interactive digital report including expert videos and filterable data
- Easily customizable to view data by location and industry
- Working capital solutions use and metrics for top performing companies
- Which working capital solutions hold potential for efficiency improvements in 2024.
- A new measure of efficiency for growing companies
- Benchmark your performance against your peers
- Consider how DPO and other measures are indicators of efficiency
- Get a personalized view on working capital efficiency in about 5 minutes.
To give you the information you need, our Working Capital Index materials include our dynamic report, filterable by industry and location, and our benchmarking calculator to evaluate your organization’s working capital utilization against those we surveyed.
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